How To Attract Better Quality Agency Clients In 3 Easy Steps


Win Better Quality Clients And Start To Scale Your Agency

The number one challenge digital marketing agencies face when it comes to scaling their business is attracting and signing more, great quality clients. 

Digital agencies, on average, win only 13% of their sales-qualified leads. 

That’s a pretty low number and a fairly problematic number when you're trying to scale your business and grow your client base. 

As an agency owner, you believe in the quality of your work and the work of your team and you know you can deliver great work for your clients - so why is it so hard to articulate this to a prospective client in such a way that gets them signing on the dotted line?

The number one question our Digital Agency Coach clients ask is ‘How do we win more, better clients?’ The answer, it’s all about your pitch.  

So, Why Should A Client Work WIth You?

Hint, All Digital Agencies Say The Same

Over the years, we’ve asked over 250 agencies ‘'Why should I buy from your agency and not from anyone else'? 249 agencies offered the same answers, only one fired back with something different. 

Are you including overused buzzwords in your pitch, like ‘Creative Thinkers’ and ‘Trusted Advisors’,  maybe you differentiate your marketing agency as being ‘Full Service’ or ‘Not Full Service’? We’ve heard it all, and frankly, so have your potential clients. 

Clients often interview 3-5 agencies alongside yours before they sign just one. They’re listening to pitches and wading through phrases like ‘Partners Not Clients’ and ‘Open. Honest. Transparent.’ to find a genuine connection with an agency they think is the right fit. 

Put yourself in the client’s shoes. If all the offerings sound and look the same, and are packed with the same cheesy buzz words, they’ll default to an agency they feel they have chemistry with or, more likely, they’ll look to the price tag to differentiate the service on offer.

Redesign Your Sales Pitch To Meet These Three Points

So, how can you design a sales pitch that’s guaranteed to convert? We’ve looked at the work of Doug Hall, who analysed over 4000 propositions and discovered three key elements in a sales pitch that will increase the likelihood of you landing a sale by up to 40%. 

1 - Offer an overt and direct business benefit to the client

Articulate an overt business benefit to the client that is ideally quantifiable. Understand your customer in detail. Get to know their niche, their industry and their product, and offer a measurable and overt business benefit to your client as part of your pitch. Position your value proposition to meet their needs.

2 - Provide a dramatic differentiation between you and your competitor 

Pull together 2-3 genuine points of difference your digital agency offers against your competitors. Avoid overused agency-jargon and ensure these differences will genuinely separate you from the rest. Most importantly, tailor these differentiators to the needs of the customer and their business.

3 - Give the client reason to trust you. Prove that you can do the job, and do it well. 

This is the bit agencies are typically very good at. Wrap your sales pitch up with proof that you are able to deliver on your promise. Use awards, case studies, testimonials, and hard evidence to prove you are the agency for the job.

Win Better Quality Clients And Start To Scale Your Agency

Now you know how, it’s time to implement these changes and start winning more clients! 

If you need support or guidance growing your agency and would like personalised, 1:1 help achieving your goals, please get in touch - our team of consultants would be delighted to help.


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