Our Free Digital Agency Strategic Growth Tool & How To Use It

business strategy session

Let’s Start At The Beginning -

What Is The Agency Accelerator Canvas (AAC)

Put simply, the Agency Accelerator Canvas is a growth strategy template, designed to help you and your digital marketing agency create a thorough, thoughtful and actionable roadmap for stratospheric growth. 

The AAC prompts thinking and understanding across ten core elements of your agency growth strategy; Purpose, Customer, Value Proposition, Services, Vision, Goals, Strategy, Objective, Milestones & KPIs. 

With helpful guiding questions included at every stage, the AAC is easy to complete and easy to understand. 

Strategy manuals and printed documents gather dust, which is why we designed the AAC to be a one-page, large format rubric which can easily be wall hung, always in sight and front of mind. 

How Does The Digital Agency Coach’s Strategy Planning Tool Work?

Our Agency Accelerator Canvas creates focus, defines your vision, establishes what it is you’re trying to achieve, but most importantly - it creates an actionable roadmap to get you there. 

Written in plain English and free from business school jargon, the AAC is designed to be helpful, straightforward and easy to follow. At each of the ten stages, you’re offered a handful of guiding questions to formulate thorough and rounded definitions for each component. 

While it’s easy to use, the results which populate from the AAC are powerful. At the end of your AAC strategy workshop, you will have defined objectives and measurable KPIs to drive your digital marketing agency forward and measure your success along the way. 

The Agency Accelerator Canvas is action-focused and helps to drive accountability along your marketing agency growth journey. Finally - a business strategy document that you can take action on!

So, Who Needs To Contribute To My Agency Accelerator Canvas?

At the Digital Agency Coach, we advocate hosting a workshop with fellow directors, senior management and leadership groups to complete the AAC as a team. 

Encourage input and dialogue from all stakeholders in your workshop. Your AAC will be more powerful if the approach has been a collaborative one.  

Once you have defined your strategy, share it with your broader team, print and mount it within the studio to encourage daily engagement from your agency cohort.

Plan Your Digital Agency Strategy Annually, And Review It Quarterly 

If there is anything the Coronavirus Pandemic has taught us, it’s that our world can change very quickly and we, as business owners, must be able to react and adapt our strategy accordingly.  

While your AAC will be right for the time, as the seasons change, your strategy will require regular revision. We advocate reviewing your AAC quarterly, asking if any changes need to be made and if you and your team are meeting the objectives.

Use these quarterly reviews to nudge your agency’s strategy back in the right direction, then review and overhaul the overall strategy within an annual workshop.

How To Workshop Each Stage Of The Agency Accelerator Canvas

Print out the blank AAC template and supporting document and begin your workshop with our brief explainer video to get your meeting off to a productive start. The AAC is separated into two focus areas;

1 - Defining Your Agencies Purpose & Services

We start by defining your digital agency's purpose. There’s no right or wrong answer here, but it’s important your purpose aligns with your passion - so keep it true to yourself.

Secondly, the AAC takes a look at your customers. You’ll define a specific and targeted niche that your digital agency can approach and ultimately, service. Then, we ask about your value proposition. Which problems do you solve and what's the pain that you're taking away from your clients? 

Then finally, - you define your services. Most importantly, this defines your digital agency's skillset and the work you agree and disagree to take on. 

Now comes the interesting and exciting part…

2 - Designing Your Business Vision & Your Goals

The AAC then asks you to define your digital agency’s vision and articulate top-level, measurable goals.  Next, strategy. How are you going to achieve these goals? You’re encouraged to think about the big moves you’re going to make this year. 

Once the big moves are defined, we then ask about the objectives. What daily tactics and functions will your team work on in order to make the strategy happen. 

You will then define growth milestones or success indicators. What would you like your agency to achieve that will illustrate that you’re on our way to success.

And then finally, what are the KPIs? How will you measure success? We’ll help you define realistic, aspirational and measurable Key Performance Indicators to pull your entire AAC together and ensure it’s the actionable document we promised. 


Download Our Free AAC Template And Start Growing Your Agency Like You Know You Can

Now you know the in’s and out’s of the Agency Accelerator Canvas and the game-changing strategy it populates, it’s time to download the template and start formulating your growth strategy. 

Each download includes a ready-to-complete AAC template, a second copy of the canvas with key questions to kick-start your thinking and a link to a short explainer video to walk you through the process. 

Of course, if you need any help or guidance or you would like a Digital Agency Coach consultant to host an AAC workshop for you and your marketing agency please get in touch via the form below. 


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