Atomic Habits - James Clear
Atomic Habits
As agency owners, we can be really good with vision, with new ideas, with energy, with getting things off the ground, but we never really get in the habit of doing the kind of stuff that's going to move our agency forward.
This week's one minute book review is Atomic Habits by James Clear. It's a book changed my life to be honest.
It's really great for agency owners because we can be really good with new stuff. Really good with visionary stuff, with new ideas, with energy, with getting things off the ground, but we never really get in the habit or the practice of doing the kind of stuff that's going to move our agency forward.
The dull and boring stuff. We find it quite hard to build those habits. Atomic Habits makes you think about how you approach the stuff that you need to do consistently to build your business, but which you only rent remember to do on an, on an ad hoc basis.
It gives you some practical tips. I've had to chain habits together. You're already brushing your teeth. You're already in the habit of brushing your teeth.
So why not change something next to that thing that you're already doing? It helps to focus you, helps you to realize that good stuff just doesn't happen on day one.
You don't go to the gym and get fit on day one. On the 1st of January, when you get your new gym membership. Good stuff happens as a consequence for doing things over and over and over and over again.
If you go to the gym every single day, if you eat chicken and broccoli every single day, over a few months, you start to get fit and healthy.
You don't get rich by putting money into a savings account. You get rich by putting a little bit of money into your savings account and saving and giving the compound interest, month after month, year after year.
It's really good, really practical, really easy to understand, really easy to resonate with agency owners. And I can help you to make some real big progress with your business.
Just by getting into the habit of doing the dull and boring stuff that moves your business forward, on a regular basis whilst not having to think about it because it starts to become automatic, starts to become habitual.
So Atomic Habits by James Clear, I give it a 9/10. I really rate it.
This week's one minute book review.